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Crystal River Fishing Charters

Ultimate Grouper Fishing

By October 26, 2021No Comments
A picture of Crystal River Florida Fishing Adventures Ultimate Grouper Fishing

Last Updated on October 26, 2021 by Eric Bonneman

With shallow water grouper fishing moving full steam ahead, we’ve finally had a chance to look back at all of the success this season jas brought to us so far.

We’ve run charters nearly every single day since the season started and each trip has been a success with many only stopping for hitting bag limits. Gag grouper in the Crystal River shallows, 8-30ft of water, have proven yet again that they can maintain a healthy and abundant population.

A picture of Crystal River Florida Fishing Adventures Ultimate Grouper Fishing

While grouper fishing in the area is a year-round opportunity, it is in the fall that things really fire off. This is simply the best time of year to target the species and to be on the water in general. Florida fall is a time of year when the temps come down, rain forecasts start to fade, and many days of calm crisp water present themselves. This is why there is hardly a better time for out-of-state visitors to come to the sunshine state than now.

Even as things get cooler, grouper fishing will maintain a solid presence into December. By about the time that the real cold weather arrives, it will be time to head up these coastal rivers for some extreme shallow fishing. But, we are not there yet – and with days as busy as these, it feels like an eternity before we will.

A picture of Crystal River Florida Fishing Adventures Ultimate Grouper Fishing

And, to add to this ultimate grouper fishing extravaganza, filing up on snapper is also a great addition to these trips. Thanks to the rock piles that dot the bottom of this coastal zone of Crystal River, it creates a sort of reef-like habitat that all of your favorite reef-type species flock to. In this case, snapper is among them. Talk about a great way to fill the cooler!

If you are interested in giving shallow water grouper fishing a shot, check our available dates, and make a reservation today. There is little room left on our calendar, but if you can make one of the remaining open slots, don’t miss out on the opportunity.

You can see all of those details here.

Feel free to contact the Captain if you have any questions.


Eric Bonneman

Just a guy who fishes and writes about his experiences.