Last Updated on August 23, 2020 by Capt. Louie
Warm weather, clear skies, and calm winds have helped me realize why I love fishing during this time of year. Yes, it’s hot outside but so is the fishing and the only thing that helps me take my mind off of the heat is hearing the drag scream off my Shimano reels. The redfish, trout, cobia, shark and black drum fishing has been excellent as of late, but it is during this time of year that sight casting for tripletail is at its prime.
People ask me all the time what’s the best way to catch a tripletail. My answer is a simple one, “Pay attention!” There is no such thing as a for sure area or spot for tripletail in our area, so you simply have to pay attention. I catch most of my tripletail through out the year on free floating objects such as grass mats, trash, and other debris floating through the water. Debris probably contains the most consistent action for tripletail, but I have come to realize if you want a true “wall-hanger” you need to venture into deeper water where you can often find these fish free floating around particular structures scattered throughout our area.
On a recent trip, myself and my client were spoiled when two tripletail swam right through our drift. As soon as we could, we both were pitching Berkley Gulps! towards these fish. It always amazes me how well Gulps! work for all species of fish. As soon as our Gulps! crossed paths with the pair of tripletail, it was almost an instant double hook-up.
These fish love the top of the water column which makes for excellent sight casting opportunities. Some of the most fun I have during the warmer months is throwing Gulps! and topwater lures in front of these hard charging fish. Tripletail are well known for their acrobatics, long drag screaming runs, and excellent table fair.
So if pursuing tripletail sounds like a blast to you, feel free to contact RED HOT FISHING CHARTERS today. The fishing may cost a little but the memories will last a life time.
(352) 634-4002