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Crystal River Fishing Reports

The Suprises of Fall!!!

By August 3, 2020August 23rd, 2020No Comments

Last Updated on August 23, 2020 by Capt. Louie

The light winds and foggy, overcast days of October and November help keep the temperatures down and the productivity of topwater fishing extremely high. I love to Walk-the-Dog in the middle of light drizzle or during a foggy day.

On a recent scouting trip myself and a long time fishing friend spent the day exploring a remote area of the Salt River, which is known for its miles of winding creeks and islands. As we trolling motored along a shoreline we noticed that there were tons of little finger mullet scurrying along the bank. Every once in a while we would hear a little pop and turn around only to see a small boil behind us. Our topwater lures and Berkley Gulp! Flukes were exactly the same size as these finger mullet we were seeing so we knew it would only be a matter of time before something would come to checkout our baits.

Of course the very first fish to show up was an 8 lb Jack Crevalle which was actually a great fish to break the ice with. As we entered a little cut in the shore line my partner and I both made perfect casts along the edges. BANG! BANG! We were both hooked up. The funny part of the whole fight was that his fish jumped and my fished really pulled drag. On the same part of the cut laid a 3lb largemouth bass and slot sized redfish. I have caught bass in brackish water before but never as many as I caught in this particular area. Now, the bass and reds were a welcome sight but the 30” snook that surprised me really made the day. After three or 4 jumps she was released to fight another day.

Fishing has been phenomenal lately. If your excited about fishing or just catching fish give Florida Fishing Adventures a call today were are in the fishing memories business.

(352) 634-4002

Capt. Louie

Captain, Owner, and Fishing Guide At Florida Fishing Adventures in Crystal River, Florida.

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