Last Updated on August 23, 2020 by Capt. Louie
This is the time of year that I look forward to the most. The fish are always biting and when the wind and weather cooperate anglers are spoiled with endless possibilities both inshore and offshore.
On the inshore scene the Redfish, trout and tripletail action has been extremely productive. This is the time of year when you can fish for both redfish and trout in the same area flats and back bays, which makes for consistent action and exciting experiences. As the water warms redfish and trout feel more comfortable roaming the flats in search of baitfish, shrimp, and crabs. These fish can be targeted during both the high and low stages of the tide. Of course the most consistent fishing occurs during the incoming tide, but if you’ve never experienced fishing for redfish and trout during an outgoing tide this is the time of year you want to try it.
On a recent trip, my clients were spoiled when a school of over 50 redfish began tailing about 200 yards off a Mangrove laden point we were approaching. When ever pursuing tailing redfish it is always important approach them at an angle where you know the fish will be heading. Fishing this area for the last 10 years I know that these fish will forage for food during the beginning stages of an outgoing tide. When the tide drops below a foot of water these fish tend to retreat to many of the deep holes and pot holes scattered throughout the flats. I set my clients up just down current of a hole were I knew these fish would be retreating too. Our first cast with a Berkley Gulp Jerkbait nailed a nice slot size redfish. From that point on it was easy pickens as my clients picked out a redfish, made a cast to it and fought them back to the boat.
On the offshore side with sunny skies and light winds fishing up to 20 miles offshore has not only been accessible but extremely productive. I have found it important however, if I am planning a trip offshore to carry plenty of different types of baits with me because I have learned you never know what you’re going to run into offshore. When venturing offshore it is a staple of mine to have plenty of Spanish sardines, shrimp, pinfish, pigfish and mullet. Live or frozen doesn’t matter as long as you have plenty of bait.
Lately I have been chumming every spot that I fish. Now I know a majority of offshore fishermen will tell you that all you’re going to do is attract sharks, but lately I have chummed Spanish mackerel, king mackerel, grouper, and even mangrove snapper to the surface in water as deep as 40 feet. On a recent trip to a wreck I have in 35 foot of water chumming with sardines was able to bring a school of Mangrove snapper to the surface of the water were they stayed for hours. Mangrove snappers from 3-8 pounds were spotted, but the biggest one we landed weighed in at around five pounds. To my amazement as we were bringing the first mangrove snapper to the boat 3 cobia, kingfish and grouper all followed him to the surface. As you can imagine it was one mad dash to keep these fish at the surface. Luckily I was able to freeline a Spanish sardine to a hungry smoker kingfish that definitely put a bend in my rod.
The fishing continues to be fast and furious along the nature coast and if tight lines and long drag screaming runs gets your blood boiling, Give Florida Fishing Adventures a call today(352) 634-4002. We are in the fishing memories business.